
Given a vector space $V$, a projection is a map

$$ P:V \longmapsto V $$

such that $P^2=P$.

Informally speaking, for a projection you not only need to specify the "target" subspace, but also a "direction" along which to project (the red vectors in the picture above). So, in some sense, a projection gives us a decomposition of the vector space $V$ in horizontal and vertical subspace.

In finite dimensional vector spaces $V$, the subspaces $U=Im(P)$ and $W=Ker(P)$ satisfies:

$$ x=Px \oplus (x-Px) $$

Other properties, valid even for infinite dimension:

When we work in a Hilbert space $H$ instead of in a plain vector space $V$, we can say that $P$ is an orthogonal projection if

$$ \langle Px,y\rangle=\langle x,Py \rangle $$

that is, is a self adjoint operator.

They satisfy the following properties:

$$ \langle u,w\rangle=\langle Pu',w\rangle=\langle u',Pw\rangle $$

Reciprocally, any projection $P$ such that $U$ and $W$ are orthogonal satisfies, assuming $x=u_1+w_1$ and $y=u_2+w_2$

$$ \langle{Px},{y}\rangle=\langle{P(u_1+w_1)},{u_2+w_2}\rangle=\langle{u_1},{u_2}\rangle $$


$$ \langle{x},{Py}\rangle=\langle{u_1+w_1},{P(u_2+w_2)}\rangle=\langle{u_1},{u_2}\rangle $$

and therefore $P$ is self-adjoint.

$$ im(I-P)=Ker(P) $$



$$ (I-P)^2=I^2-2P+P^2=I-P $$

And secondly, $x\in H$, $(I-P)(x)\in Ker(P)$ since

$$ P(I-P)(x)=Px-Px=0 $$


$$ \|P v\|^{2}=\langle P v, P v\rangle=\langle P v, v\rangle \leq\|P v\| \cdot\|v\| $$

and so

$$ \|P v\| \leq\|v\| $$

This is similar, in some sense, to saying that is continue.

$$ P=u\cdot u^* $$


$$ P=|u\rangle\bra{u} $$

in Dirac bracket notation. I guess that is like taking an element of the tensor product $H\otimes H^*$.

This formula can be generalized for a projection on a subspace $U$ of any dimension $k$. Choose an orthonormal basis of $U$, and take their coordinates with respect to the main orthonormal basis to form a matrix $A$. Then

$$ P=A\cdot A^* $$




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes